Entreprise : billing & subscription

Entreprise : billing & subscription

I want to use in total 10 blastream rooms, for 1 hour each, during a 3-day event, what should I do ?   

We advise you to take out the Pay as you go Enterprise subscription, and to choose an hourly consumption for your room.

In this case, you only pay for the rooms you have used, that is 90€ in the example given = 10 rooms x 1 hour x 9€.



What is the difference between hourly consumption and monthly consumption?

Hourly consumption

You are billed according to the total number of hours used per room.

We advise you to choose an hourly consumption for your room if you want to do less than 10 hours of live in the same room.

N.B.: In case you use a 30mn room, you will be charged on a pro rata basis.



For a room at 9€/hour, if you use it for 30mn, you will be charged 4.5€.


Monthly consumption

We advise you to choose a monthly consumption for your room if during the month you want to do more than 10 hours of live in the same room.


During a month, you can create and consume hourly and monthly rooms simultaneously via our dedicated platform, or via our API.

At the end of each month, you are billed for all the rooms you use, regardless of their individual consumption mode.



What is the maximum billing amount for an hourly-consumed room?

The maximum billing amount for an hourly consumed room is the equivalent of 3 times the monthly amount of this room.



For a room at 9€/hour, the maximum amount is 3 times the monthly amount of the room: 90€x3= 270€.

Hence, for a live session with 3 Blastream rooms used simultaneaously, and each consumed at 9€/hour, with a total of 15h of live each, the total amount will be 5hx3roomsx9€=135€ and can't exceed 270€.


If my hourly consumed room billing exceeds the equivalent of 3 times the monthly amount of this room, will the room automatically switch to a monthly consumption and be charged on a monthly basis?



Is a monthly-consumed room really unlimited in terms of hours of use?

Yes, for a monthly-consumed room, you have no limit on the duration of use of your room. The limits in your room are linked to the maximum number of participants and the number of simultaneous videos it can welcome.


When does the billed consumption of a room start?

The consumption of your room starts as soon as you activate the videoconference and/or the live streaming, even for a few seconds, by clicking on the Start button.


What is not charged in my room?

A room is not charged if it has been created, but that inside neither video-conferencing, nor livestreaming has/have been activated at least once.

Also, without pressing the Start button, you can also upload documents to your Blastream room library (image, video or presentation).


I created an hourly-consumed room, but I made a mistake, can I change its consumption mode : hourly to monthly and vice versa?

Yes you can change it, as long as it has never been used.


Can I delete a room?

Yes, it is possible to delete a room at any time.

The billing system keeps a record of all rooms created.

Pricing summary

Videoconferenceonly chatPro1Pro2Pro3More participant ?
Max participant1010002005001000Contact us
Hourly pricing (€)
191827Contact us
Monthly pricing (€)101090180270Contact us

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