Share in video

Share in video

Blastream allows you to share a document directly on the video.

If you are the broadcaster or host:

To share a document, you can either:
 - open your document library by clicking on the icon  at the bottom of the screen or on the icon  under the chat.
 - click on the Add a source button above the list of layers and choose "Add a document"

Your document library will then open on the left side of your screen.
Then click on the icon  to add the document to live as a source or on this icon  to add the document to live as a source and in full screen.

The document will be found in your sources. An action list will be available depending on the type of document:
- button:  delete the document from your sources
- button: replace the document with another document
- button: put the document in full screen
- button:  put the document in "main speaker"
- button: pause the document. It will therefore always be in your sources but it will no longer be visible in the video

If you pause a video, it will continue to play but will no longer be displayed. To pause the video without hiding it from the video, just click on the pause button on the video preview.

- button:  when a document is hidden from the live, the pause button is replaced by the play button to reintegrate the document into the live
- button:  mute the video. On click, the button  replaces it to be able to reactivate the sound
- button:  cut the image from the video. It will then be replaced by a default image. On click, the icon replaces it in order to reactivate the sound

You can hide the video by making the sound by holding down the control key on your keyboard when you click on the icon. the icon will turn gray. To exit this mode, all you have to do is click again on this button  while holding the control key.

Simple document (image)

Presentation document (pdf)

For presentation documents, a viewer will allow us to navigate in the document (previous / next button) with a preview of the pages.
You also have the option of giving control of the document to a speaker. When you click on the button, you will only have to choose the speaker. He will then be able to browse and close the document for you.

Video document

For video documents, a player preview will allow you to move around the video and pause it. You can also activate:
- infinite video playback
- automatic deletion of the source of your live at the end of the video

If you are the speaker:

You cannot share a document, you must first be the main speaker.

To share a document, please open your document library by clicking on the icon  at the bottom of the screen or the icon  below the chat.
Then click on the icon  to add the document to live as a source.

The document will then be found live. A controller like below will be displayed below to manage the document (change slides if pdf, close the document).

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