Private/admin chat

Private/admin chat

Private chat allows you to create as many private discussions as desired (no limit on the number of participants per discussion, from 2 people per group).

It consists:
  1. an ADMIN discussion group, created by default and including all the people identified during the live session with at least one of the following roles (from the COLLABORATORS section in SETTINGS): host, moderator, or speaker. It is visible and searchable only by these profiles.
  2. one or more discussion groups, which can be created for any participant.

You can create private discussions, accessible only to participants added manually in the relevant discussion.

For that :

  1. click on the symbol at the top of the chat, to access the private chat.
  2. give a name to your discussion
  3. select below the participants to add to the private discussion
  4. click on the button  : the discussion is activated.
  5. send a message to the group participants to start the discussion.
Participants must have accepted your request to join the private chat in order to receive and send messages in that chat.

Managing a group chat

On each discussion, clicking on the icon  allows you to display a contextual menu:
  1. Participants: which will show you the list of people belonging to this group. You have the possibility here to add a participant (who must be connected to the room to be listed there) or to remove the current members.
  2. Empty history: on click, all messages in the discussion will be deleted.
  3. Leave and close the discussion: the discussion will be closed and not accessible to all participants.
As a participant, the View participants and Leave chat options are displayed.

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